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Belom 9mm Luger Ammo 124 Grain Full Metal Jacket

Belom 9mm Luger Ammo 124 Grain Full Metal Jacket

Regular price $299.80 USD
Regular price Sale price $299.80 USD
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Belom 9mm Luger Ammo 124 Grain Full Metal Jacket - BELOM9

Belom 9mm Luger Ammo 124 Grain Full Metal Jacket ammo for sale online at cheap discount price with free shipping on bulk 9mm Luger ammunition available for sale only at our online store Target Sports USA has Belom 9mm Luger Ammo 124 Grain Full Metal Jacket.

Belom 9mm Luger Ammo 124 Grain Full Metal Jacket ammo review offers the following information; Small arms ammunition factory „BELOM“ operates within the business system of governmental company “Yugoimport SDPR” and was founded on 18th of December, 2015. Belom is PPU's sister company. PPU is used to primarily service the commercial market and Belom was set up specifically for the LE/MIL market. Their quality systems, testing, machinery, manufacturing processes, and raw materials are in place to meet Military standards. This means with Belom, commercial customers are getting military grade ammunition at commercial pricing.

Belom 9mm loads feature Full Metal Jacket bullets that are general-purpose bullets suitable for auto loading pistols. They provide excellent cartridge feeding into the chamber with good penetration and no expansion. Highly accurate and affordable these bullets are preferred for target shooting. This 9mm ammunition is a new production, non-corrosive ammo featuring brass cases, and boxer primers.

Full Metal Jacket bullet lead/antimony core

For law enforcement applications, training and target shooting, and range competition

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