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Ammo Inc.

Ammo Inc Streak 44 Remington Magnum Ammo 240 Grain Total Metal Jacket Red Cold Tracer

Ammo Inc Streak 44 Remington Magnum Ammo 240 Grain Total Metal Jacket Red Cold Tracer

Regular price $249.90 USD
Regular price Sale price $249.90 USD
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Ammo Inc Streak 44 Remington Magnum Ammo 240 Grain Total Metal Jacket Red Cold Tracer - 44240TMC-STRK-RED

Ammo Inc Streak 44 Remington Magnum Ammo 240 Grain Total Metal Jacket Red Cold Tracer ammo for sale online at cheap discount price with free shipping on bulk 44 Remington Magnum ammunition available for sale only at our online store Target Sports USA has Prvi Partizan ammo for sale including this Ammo Inc Streak 44 Remington Magnum Ammo 240 Grain Total Metal Jacket Red Cold Tracer.

Ammo Inc Streak 44 Remington Magnum Ammo 240 Grain Total Metal Jacket Red Cold Tracer ammo review offers the following information; Ammo Incorporated has created a revolutionary new product that allows shooters to see the path of their projectile, similar to what traditional tracer rounds are designed for. These new cartridges are so special because they illuminate without using any flammable material, and create no heat or fire risk downrange at all. The illumination effect is actually similar to a glow-in-the-dark technology, as the bullet uses the burst of energy and light from the propellant to charge up the illuminated back end of the projectile, so when it's traveling through the air towards its target, the rear end glows. These Streak rounds only illuminate on the back of the projectile, so are only visible to the shooter or onlookers nearby the shooter.

Non-incendiary tracer style projectile, no burning phosphorus.

Very clean firing, using HyperClean Technology.

Safe for indoor and outdoor environments.
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